All Seminars & Colloquia

Topology Seminar

HOMFLY-PT Complexes in the Knot Floer Cube of Resolutions

Thursday, 6/26/2014, 6:15pm - 11:59pm

Speaker: Nathan Dowlin, Princeton University*

* the speaker is a graduate student visiting GW.

Roundtable Conversation with GW Undergradu​ates

Monday, 5/12/2014, 5:00pm - 11:59pm


Roundtable Conversation with GW Undergraduates

Monday, 5/12/2014, 3:30pm - 11:59pm


Knots in Washington XXXVIII: 30 years of the Jones polynomial

Friday, 5/9/2014, 7:00pm - Sunday, 5/11/2014, 11:59pm



Solved and Unsolved Problems From The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences

Friday, 5/9/2014, 5:00pm - 11:59pm

Speaker: Neil J. A. Sloane, Mathematics Department, Rutgers University, Piscataway, NJ.

Abstract: The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences is a database of number sequences, which in its fiftieth year now contains nearly a quarter of a million entries. This talk will describe some of the highlights, including the toothpick sequence, curling numbers, ``lunar'' arithmetic, and some very unusual recurrences. There will be several unsolved problems, music, and a movie.



Applied Math Seminar

Energetic Variational Approaches: Onsager's Maximum Dissipation Principle, General Diffusion, Optimal Transport and Stochastic Integrals

Thursday, 4/24/2014, 8:00pm - 11:59pm

Speaker: Chun Liu, Pennsylvania State University.

Logic Seminar April 24

Thursday, 4/24/2014, 6:08pm - 11:59pm

Join us for the Logic seminar. 

Graduate Student Seminar

Tuesday, 4/22/2014, 8:00pm - 11:59pm

Title: Introduction to Yang-Baxter Homology

Abstract: Yang-Baxter operators have been used to construct link invariants such as Jones Polynomial, HOMFLYPT Polynomial, etc. In this talk, I will introduce Yang-Baxter homology recently discovered by Jozef Przytycki and Victoria Lebed. In particular, the theory is motivated from distributive homology and set-theoretical Yang-Baxter homology.

Logic Seminar April 17

Thursday, 4/17/2014, 8:00pm - 11:59pm

Logic Seminar April 17

Roundtable Conversations with GW Undergraduates

Wednesday, 4/16/2014, 3:30pm - 11:59pm

In the Fall 2011 we started a series of roundtable conversations with our undergraduate students. These meetings are an opportunity for the students to share their thoughts on our courses, to make suggestions that could improve our teaching, and to meet fellow students in other math classes. It is our hope that conversations like these will create positive interactions between students and faculty, and will lead to enhanced learning experience for our students.