Halloween Topology seminars
Speaker: Carl Hammarsten (GWU)
Title: Combinatorial Heegaard Floer Homology and Decorated Heegaard Diagrams.
Time: 1:00-2:00pm, Oct. 31
Abstract: We introduce the idea of a decorated Heegaard diagram. That is, a Heegaard diagram together with a collection of embedded paths satisfying certain criteria. Using this decorated Heegaard diagram, we present a combinatorial definition of a chain complex which is homotopically equivalent to the Heegaard Floer one, yet significantly smaller. Finally, we use branched spines to show that every manifold admits a decorated Heegaard diagram. Moreover, these diagrams exhibit some unexpected useful extra properties.
Speaker: Jing Wang(GWU)
Title:Homology of a small Category and its application to Quiver homology
Abstract: Motivated from homology of an abstract simplicial complex, we introduce homology of a small category with functor coefficients. Several homology theories (e.g group homology, Khovanov homology, chromatic homology, etc) can be realized under this framework. If time allows, I will describe its application to quiver homology.