Data MASTER seminar
Title: Multiplexity and Multilevel Networks: Opportunities and Challenges
Speaker: Jonathon Mote, GW
Abstract: The tremendous increase in research on social networks has increased our understanding of these social structures, but the overwhelming majority of this research typically continues to be limited to either one type of social relationship or one network. However, people are engaged in a wide range of social relationships and networks, whether in organizations or larger social environments. In this regard, two areas in need of further research are multiplexity and multi-level network analysis. Multiplexity is the phenomenon of multiple network ties, that is, the overlap of roles, exchanges, or affiliations in social relationships. Multi-level network analysis investigates the interaction (and perhaps interdependence) between two or more networks, such as cross-linkages between two organizational networks. This talk explores these two areas and discusses two case studies to highlight the opportunities and challenges with these approaches
Bio: Jonathon Mote is an Assistant Professor of Organizational Science at The George Washington University. His research interests are primarily focused on the interrelationship between organizational environments and networks of science and innovation. His research has received funding from the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Industry Canada. Prior to joining GWU, Jonathon was an assistant professor of Management at Southern Illinois University. From 2003 to 2009, Jonathon was an assistant research scientist at the University of Maryland.