Events Archive
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Past events
Applied Math Seminar- The fractional Yamabe problem and the prescribed scalar curvature problem
Tuesday, 1/23/2018, 9:00pm - 11:59pm
Combinatorics Seminar- Interval posets, parity representations, binary partitions, and antiprisms
Tuesday, 1/23/2018, 6:00pm - 11:59pm
University Seminar: Logic Across Disciplines-Title: Cohesive Powers, Definability, and Automorphisms
Friday, 12/8/2017, 4:00pm - 11:59pm
Applied Mathematics-A Lagrangian Scheme for the solution of nonlinear diffusion equations
Thursday, 12/7/2017, 4:00pm - 11:59pm
Thesis Defense-Jiajun Lu-Pattern Formation in Binary Systems with Inhibitory Long-range Interaction
Wednesday, 12/6/2017, 3:00pm - 11:59pm
Graduate Student Seminars-Optimal descriptions of computable groups
Friday, 12/1/2017, 8:00pm - 11:59pm
Thursday, 11/30/2017, 7:30pm - 11:59pm