Graduate Student Seminar - From the Tutte Polynomial to the G-invariant
Mon, 2 April, 2018
Title : From the Tutte Polynomial to the G-invariant
Speaker: Kevin Long
Date and Time: Monday, April 2, 2:30-3:30pm
Place: Rome 204
Place: Rome 204
Abstract : Matroids are a combinatorial structure introduced by Hassler Whitney in 1935 as an abstraction of "independence" in linear algebra and graph theory. Since then, matroid theory has expanded to a field in its own right, with connections to geometry, coding theory, and other fields. In this talk, we first give the equivalent definitions of matroids and show how they relate to some familiar families of matroids. We then introduce the Tutte polynomial, a powerful matroid invariant, and the most classical one, which will allow us to delve into more modern work done by Dr. Joseph Bonin on the G-invariant, a strengthening of the Tutte polynomial.
Note: The Graduate Student Seminar