Events Archive
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University Seminar: Logic Across Disciplines-Can you always raise a natural number to a power?
Friday, 9/6/2019, 3:00pm - 11:59pm
Combinatorics-Counting reflections in complex reflection groups
Thursday, 9/5/2019, 6:15pm - 11:59pm
Combinatorics Seminar- Using the Potential Method to Color Near-Bipartite Graphs
Friday, 8/30/2019, 8:00pm - 11:59pm
Topology Seminar-Quantum Computing- Coloring, gadgets and the Kochen-Specker theorem,
Friday, 8/2/2019, 3:00pm - 11:59pm
Friday, 4/19/2019, 5:00pm - 11:59pm