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Adiabatic quantum computing: the construction of Hamiltonian operators

William de la Cruz, Center of Research and Advanced Studies of IPN, Mexico City

Tuesday, 9/13/2011, 5:07pm - 11:59pm

Abstract: Adiabatic Quantum Computing (AQC) has been applied to solve optimization problems. It is based on the construction of Hamiltonian operators which codify the optimal solution of the given optimization problem. AQC makes use of the Adiabatic Theorem to approximate solutions of the Schrödinger equation in which a slow evolution occurs. The Hamiltonian operators used in AQC should be local for convenience. Local Hamiltonian operators are expressed as sums of Hamiltonians operating over a reduced number of qubits.

A connection between odd and even Khovanov homology

Speaker: Krzysztof Putyra (Columbia University)

Monday, 7/25/2011, 8:16pm - 11:59pm