All Seminars & Colloquia

Topology Seminar

Tuesday, 10/27/2015, 6:20pm - 11:59pm

Title: Homology Spectral Sequence
Speaker: Harpreet Bedi
Abstract: In this talk we show the construction of the homology spectral sequence and prove its existence and convergence.

Graduate Student Seminar

Friday, 10/23/2015, 5:00pm - 11:59pm

Title: Stability analysis in a trend depending price formation model
Speaker: Chubo Deng

Quantum Computing Seminar

Wednesday, 10/21/2015, 9:30pm - 11:59pm

Speaker: Ajit Iqbal Singh, Indian National Science Academy

Title: Unitary bases, maximally entangled states and completely entangled sub-spaces


Friday, 10/16/2015, 5:00pm - 11:59pm

Speaker: Alissa Crans, Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles)

Logic seminar

Wednesday, 10/14/2015, 9:30pm - 11:59pm

Speaker: Tslil Clingman, GWU

Title: A gentle introduction to monoidal categories

Topology Seminar

Tuesday, 10/13/2015, 9:30pm - 11:59pm

Title: Homology Spectral Sequence from Filtered Complex.
Speaker: Harpreet Bedi, George Washington University

Graduate Student Seminar

Friday, 10/9/2015, 5:00pm - 11:59pm

Title: Interior and Boundary Spikes for Two-dimensional GM system
Speaker: Yeyao Hu
Abstract: We prove the existence of an assembly of interior and boundary spikes as a solution of two-dimensional Gierer-Meinhardt syst

Logic seminar

Wednesday, 9/30/2015, 9:30pm - 11:59pm

Speaker: Hakim Walker, GWU

Topology Seminar

Tuesday, 9/29/2015, 9:30pm - 11:59pm

Speaker:        Seung Yeop Yang (GWU)
Title:          Torsion in rack homology

Graduate Student Seminar

Friday, 9/25/2015, 5:00pm - 11:59pm
