Topology Seminar- Bonded knots

Fri, 13 November, 2020 6:00pm

The next talk in the Greater Washington Topology Seminar is on Friday, November 13 from 1pm to 2pm EST and will be held virtually via Zoom. 


1. October 2, 2020: Louis H. Kauffman (University of Illinois at Chicago and Novosibirsk State University)

2. October 9, 2020: Charles Frohman (University of Iowa)

3. October 16, 2020: Thang T. Q. Lê (Georgia Institute of Technology)

4. October 23, 2020: Pierrick Bousseau (ETH Zurich)

5. October 30, 2020: Micah Chrisman (Ohio State University)

6. November 6, 2020: Alex Chandler (University of Vienna)

7. November 13, 2020: Boštjan Gabrovšek (University of Ljubljana)

8. November 20, 2020: Razvan Gelca (Texas Tech University)

9. December 4, 2020: Helen Wong (Claremont McKenna College) 

Speaker: Boštjan Gabrovšek

TITLE: Bonded knots

ABSTRACT: We introduce bonded knots, oriented knots together with a set of properly embedded colored arcs. Such knots can be used to topologically model protein structures, where the knots correspond to closed protein backbone chains and the bonds correspond to non-local interactions between the amino acids. The bond colors encode the interaction type (disulphide bridges, ionic bonds,...) that may appear in the conformation of the protein. We will define two invariants of colored bonded knots, namely the HOMFLYPT skein module and a generalization of Kauffman's $T$ invariant for spatial graphs.

he Zoom information is listed below (it is the same as last time): 

Topic: GW Topology Seminar 


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Meeting ID: 951 840 9059


Password: The last name of the Fields Medalist famous for his work on von Neumann algebras and knot polynomials; first letter capitalized.

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