ALEKS Math Placement Test

 GW uses the online system Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces (ALEKS) to determine the appropriate placement for students needing certain Math or Economics courses. The goal is to ensure students are placed in the most appropriate math or economics course based on their mathematical knowledge.

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ALEKS is an online, non-multiple choice adaptive placement exam. The placement test does not assess calculus knowledge, but rather readiness to start introductory calculus courses and microeconomics. Topics cover a range of material from basic algebra to pre-calculus.

Students must achieve the minimum required score on the proctored ALEKS Math Placement Test prior to registering for certain Math and Economics classes.

Students complete two unproctored attempts as practice before taking their proctored ALEKS Math Placement test. This allows them to become familiar with the test environment, to practice the test, and to refresh their math knowledge. After each unproctored attempt students will need to spend time in the ALEKS Prep and Learning Modules to review the type of problems they missed so they are best prepared for the proctored test. The proctored ALEKS placement test uses remote proctoring.

Students with questions about ALEKS should email [email protected].

If you require disability-related accommodations for the ALEKS assessment, you will need to register with GW’s Disability Support Services by submitting their online application. Note, the DSS registration process can take 1-2 weeks. If you have further questions on how to register for accommodations, please contact [email protected] or 202-994-8250.

Once you are registered and approved for accommodations with DSS, you will then need to submit your Letters to Professors to ([email protected]), to ensure your accommodations are in place for your exam. It will take approximately two business days to get your accommodations added within ALEKS. 

Take the ALEKS Test

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Who Needs to Take ALEKS

ALEKS is required for students who want to take MATH 1051, MATH 1220, MATH 1231, MATH 1252, ECON 1001 or ECON 1011.

In order to register for Summer 2025, Fall 2025 or Spring 2026 classes, students must have the minimum score on the proctored version of the ALEKS test taken after March 7, 2025.

Students should have the required proctored score two days prior to registering for the course you want to take. 

The final deadline for taking the proctored ALEKS test for fall 2025 course enrollment will be 11:59 p.m. on August 10, 2025. 

For certain classes, students may register for the course if they have a 3 or higher on the relevant AP test. In that case, the student is not required to take the ALEKS Math Placement Test. Students should ensure that their AP scores have been sent to GW and are in the system prior to registering. 

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Required ALEKS Test Scores for Course Registration

Minimum Proctored ALEKS score for courseCourseAP Score or alternative to place into course without taking ALEKS
76 or aboveMATH 1231
(Fall and Spring)
3 on AP Calculus AB Exam
3 on AB subsection of AP Calculus BC Exam 
61 or aboveMATH 1220 
(Fall Only)
31-60MATH 1220 
with mandatory additional discussion section*
(Fall only)
Not ALEKS based 
MATH 1221 
with mandatory additional discussion section for some students**
(Spring only)
Credit for MATH 1220, no other students should elect this course.
31MATH 1051 
(Fall only)
  • 3 on AP Calculus AB Exam 
  • 3 on AB subsection of AP Calculus BC Exam
31MATH 1252
(Spring only)
  • 3 on AP Calculus AB Exam
  • 3 on AB subsection of AP Calculus BC Exam 
61ECON 1011
(Fall and Spring)
  • Passed ECON 1001 with grade of C- or better
  • 3 on AP Calculus AB Exam
  • 3 on AB subsection of AP Calculus BC Exam 
  • 3 on AP Microeconomics Exam
  • 3 on AP Macroeconomics Exam
  • Credit for Math 1221, 1231, 1252 or 1232
No minimum but must complete a proctored ALEKS testECON 1001
(Fall and Spring)

* Students who score between 31-60 are required to enroll in a mandatory discussion section in addition to their lecture and recitation in MATH 1220 in the fall term. These sections meet once per a week. 
** Student must pass MATH 1220 to enroll in MATH 1221. Students with a C or lower will be required to take the mandatory additional discussion section. Students with a C+ or higher would not need the additional discussion section. The math department also recommends that students who are repeating Math 1221, on academic probation or have not taken math in more than a year take the additional discussion section.

No placement test is needed to take the following math courses: MATH 1000: Dean’s Seminar, MATH 1007: Mathematics and Politics or MATH 1009: Mathematical Ideas.

Note: Students are unable to place into MATH 1220 in Spring semesters. Please talk to your advisor if you do not have minimum score for Math 1220 for fall semester. 

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Information and Guidance on the ALEKS Math Placement Test Process

  • ALEKS is web-based and all tests (the proctored placement test valid for course registration and the unproctored tests used to practice and prepare for the proctored test) are taken online.
  • Students must take the test without proctoring two times, as practice, before taking the proctored test. Your two unproctored attempts help you prepare for the proctored test. 
  • The ALEKS Math Placement Test has a maximum of 30 questions, the exam is adaptive so you may have fewer questions. 
  • The test takes approximately 90 minutes, though time can vary by student. You have a maximum of two hours and 30 minutes for each assessment. Be sure to watch the clock and complete the assessment within the allotted time.
  • Students may only use a pen or pencil, paper and the resources provided within ALEKS for their unproctored and proctored attempts. ALEKS provides an on-screen calculator if students need one to complete a particular problem. You may not use your own calculator.
  • After every attempt, before you can retake the test, you must spend a minimum of three hours studying the ALEKS Prep and Learning Modules. 
  • There is a cool-off period of 24 hours between assessments. This means 24 hours must pass between the first unproctored test and the second unproctored test, and then 24 hours must pass between the second unproctored test and the proctored test. 
  • You must download and install the Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor to take the proctored test. You need to install the ALEKS version of Lockdown Browser even if you already have a different version of LockDown Browser that is used for other courses on your device. 
  • Remember to hit "submit" on your work before you log off, or it will not count as a test attempt.
  • Guidelines and the password for the proctored test are below. 
  • Because you must take two unproctored tests to practice, and because there is the 24 hour cool off period and required time spend in the Prep and Learning Modules, it takes a minimum of 4 days to complete the process. 
  • New students are advised to begin their ALEKS Math Placement testing in June and to take their time.
  • You will have one proctored attempt before August 10, 2025 to achieve the minimum score needed to register for the course you want to take in fall 2025. 
  • A second proctored attempt is available starting in October for spring course registration. Students may want to refresh their math in the Prep and Learning Modules prior to a second proctored attempt. 
  • ALEKS testing should be completed consistent with the principles of GW’s Code of Academic Integrity

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How Do I Take the ALEKS Math Placement In Order to Register for Classes?

The exam can be accessed at:

To take ALEKS you will need a reliable, fast-internet connection, a functioning web camera, a microphone, and speakers.

When you first sign into the test you will be asked to fill out a questionnaire. You should take your ALEKS placement test in a private quiet space, free from noise and distractions. You will need a pencil or pen and blank scratch paper.

1. Your first two tests will be unproctored attempts. These scores are not recorded in Banner and cannot be used to register for courses.
  • These attempts are for practice and to get you ready for the proctored test. Please do your best on your unproctored attempts. Take your time and do not rush. The unproctored attempts help you become comfortable with this test environment and identify areas of needed review.
  • Prep and Learning Modules are assigned based on your score. You should study the Prep and Learning Modules presented by ALEKS in order to remedy the deficits in your knowledge base and prepare for the proctored test.
  • You must spend a minimum of three hours working in the Prep and Learning Modules between all test attempts. Students who spend more time in the prep modules are more likely to see improvement in their score and be better prepared for the proctored placement exam.
  • Remember there must be a minimum of 24 hours between all test attempts.
2. Your third test will be the proctored placement test whose score is used for course registration. 
  • Students take their proctored ALEKS Math Placement using the Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor. This will block access to other websites and software and use remote proctoring software in which a webcam scan of the testing area, and recording of all activity during the exam is required. You must show your photo identification at the start of the remote proctoring.
  • In order to take the proctored exam, you must download Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor for ALEKS and check your setup and installation. Please ensure your computer meets the system requirements prior to downloading.
  • You will need to have a valid ID showing your name and photo available as well as pens/pencils and a few pieces of blank scratch paper.
  • No other materials should be near you or within reach. You may not leave the room for breaks during the exam. You may not use your own calculator.
  • You will be remotely proctored using Respondus Monitor, an automated remote proctoring vendor. Respondus Monitor walks students through the check in procedures and monitors students throughout their assessment session by audio and video. A human staff member reviews most assessment session recordings after the assessment is taken.
  • View guidelines and the password for the proctored test.
3. A fourth proctored attempt is available in October prior to spring registration.

Students who experience technical difficulties or other circumstances that make it impossible for them to take the online proctored test should contact [email protected].

What happens if I do not get the needed minimum score on the proctored ALEKS math test for the math class that I want to take? 

Students who do not have the proctored score needed for the math or economics course they want to take should consult with their school advising office about course options. 

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Guidelines for the Proctored ALEKS Test

  • No outside resources are permitted. While taking ALEKS, you should not access other resources (a phone, tablet, notes, books, etc.) or communicate with other people. Do not wear headphones or ear pods while taking the assessment. Make sure the area around your computer is clear of papers with writing, books, phones, calculators, etc.
  • Only 3-5 blank sheets of paper and a pencil/pen are permitted during the assessment. Your phone should be placed far enough away from you that you would need to stand to pick it up.
  • You may not use any type of handheld calculator. On problems in which a calculator is permitted, one will be provided in ALEKS.
  • You will be prompted to complete a 360° environment check.
  • You must position your computer and webcam so that you SHOW YOUR FACE, TORSO, BOTH HANDS AND YOUR ENTIRE WORK SPACE AT ALL TIMES. To achieve this, you will need to push your computer slightly away from you and tilt the webcam. This is required. The expected webcam position should look like this image:
A student sitting at a desk completing a test with face, torso and hands visible to the camera.

Please stay in your seat and focus on your assessment until you are finished. If an interruption occurs, briefly explain what happened by speaking directly to your webcam. 

Have your identification ready before you take ALEKS. 

Acceptable Identification:

  • Your GWORLD Student ID card 
  • State Driver's License
  • State Issued Personal Identification with photo
  • Valid Passport

Password for Proctored ALEKS is: ALEKS2526!

And, finally, remember that you cannot exit ALEKS until all questions are completed and you have submitted it for grading. The assessment usually takes about 90 minutes to complete, but it is timed for 2 hours and 30 minutes. 

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Interpreting Your Score

View the chart to interpret your ALEKS score.
To register for:A student should have:Comments:
MATH 2233
(Multivariable Calculus)
Credit for MATH 1231 and 1232A 4 or a 5 on the BC Advanced Placement Test earns credit for MATH 1231 and 1232.
MATH 1232
(Calculus II)
Credit for MATH 1231A 4 or a 5 on the AB Advanced Placement Test (or AB subscore on the BC test) earns credit for MATH 1231.
MATH 1231
(Calculus I)
  • 76 or above on ALEKS placement test
  • OR a 3 on the AP Calculus AB exam (or AB subscore of the BC exam)
Students who have done well in high school calculus but have not received AP credit should generally take MATH 1231. A 3 on the AB Calculus AP exam (or 3 on the AB subsection of the BC Calculus AP Exam) or a 76 or higher on the proctored ALEKS placement test is required for registration in this course. 
MATH 1221
(Precalculus with Calculus II)
Credit for MATH 1220No other students should elect this course.
MATH 1220
(Precalculus with Calculus I)
61 or above on ALEKS placement test to be placed in MATH 1220 without an extra discussion section. Students with scores between 31-60 may enroll in MATH 1220 but will be assigned to an additional mandatory discussion section.This course (together with MATH 1221) combines one semester of precalculus and one semester of calculus into a one-year course. It is intended for students who are not quite ready for Calculus I. Students who qualify to take MATH 1231 should not take MATH 1220. The placement test is required for registration in this course. Students with ALEKS placement test scores between 31-60 will be placed in a mandatory discussion section in addition to the lecture and recitation. 
MATH 1252
(Calculus-Social & Mgt. Sciences)
31 or above on ALEKS placement testMATH 1051 is not a prerequisite for MATH 1252. The placement test is required for registration in this course.
MATH 1051
(Finite Math)
31 or above on ALEKS placement testMATH 1051 and 1252 are mostly taken by students to satisfy the GWSB math requirement. However, they can also be used to satisfy the general education curriculum requirement in quantitative reasoning. The placement test is required for registration in this course.
MATH 1009
(Mathematical Ideas)
No prerequisiteThis course treats areas of mathematics not normally taught in high schools, with a focus on mathematical tools that can be used to solve real-world problems.
MATH 1007
(Mathematics & Politics)
No prerequisiteThis course focuses on the mathematics of social choice, an area of mathematics not normally taught in high schools. This course is more rigorous than a typical freshman math course and involves more writing.
MATH 1000
(Dean's Seminars in Mathematics)
No prerequisiteThese are special topics courses limited to freshmen, with class sizes of 20 or fewer. They cover areas of mathematics not taught in high schools that were specially selected by the Instructor. Although these courses have minimal prerequisites, they are meant to be rigorous, challenging, and stimulating.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is ALEKS?

ALEKS is an online, non-multiple choice adaptive placement exam. The ALEKS math placement exam is used by the university to determine the appropriate level of placement in mathematics and economics courses.

How do students take ALEKS?

The exam can be accessed at:

To take ALEKS you will need reliable, fast-internet connection, a functioning web camera, microphone, and speakers. 

What is the deadline for students to attain the minimum placement score on the proctored placement test?

Students should have completed the proctored ALEKS Math placement test at least two days prior to their registration date.

Make sure to give yourself enough time to complete the unproctored practice tests as well as the proctored test before your registration date.  It generally takes a minimum of 4 days to complete the process. 

The last possible day to complete the proctored online math placement test to enroll in a fall course will be August 10, 2025 at 11:59 p.m. 

How many times can a student take the ALEKS math placement exam?

Students can take the proctored placement test one time prior to August 10, 2025. 

Students must take the test online without proctoring two times as practice before they can take the proctored ALEKS Math test. Students must wait a minimum of 24 hours and complete a minimum of 3 hours in the Prep Learning Modules between ALEKS attempts. A significant percentage of students who take advantage of the ALEKS Learning Modules improve their scores. Students who spend at least 15 hours in the learning modules show the most improvement in their scores. Scores do not normally change without review and practice between assessments.

A second proctored attempt is available starting in October for students looking to register for spring 2026 courses who need to take the proctored test again. 

When is the required proctored ALEKs math placement exam offered?

The ALEKS Math placement exam is open from March 7, 2025 – August 10, 2025 for fall course placement. It will be open early October 2025 – early January 2026 for spring course placement.

How long will the ALEKS Math Placement exam take?

Students should allow 2 hours of uninterrupted time to complete the exam. The exam is adaptive so the actual time and number of questions will vary depending on the student. Most students complete ALEKS in approximately 90 minutes. Students will have up to 2 ½ hours from when they begin the placement exam to complete it.

May students use a calculator or any other resources while taking ALEKS?

Students may only use a pen or pencil, paper and the resources provided within ALEKS.

ALEKS provides an on-screen calculator if students need one to complete a particular problem. Students may NOT use their own calculator. Students may not receive assistance from friends, family, other websites, textbooks, or any other resource not provided by ALEKS. Using outside resources will invalidate your score and violates the principles of GW's Code of Academic Integrity.

How do students see their ALEKS score?

When students reach the end of the questions, and submit their assessment, a score and a pie chart will appear. The "Placement Result " (overall score) will range from 0 to 100. 

The system also displays subscores in different math topic areas to let students know how they performed in each area. Your unproctored placement attempts help you become comfortable with the ALEKS testing environment and identify areas of needed review. Prep and Learning Modules are assigned based on your unproctored score. If you do not obtain the required score for the course you are interested in taking on the unproctored tests, you should study the Prep and Learning Modules presented by ALEKS. Even if you receive the desired minimum score on your unproctored attempts, you may find it helpful to review materials identified as areas of knowledge weakness to prepare for the proctored test.

How do the Prep Learning Modules work?

The ALEKS Your Knowledge and Prep Learning Modules provide a personalized tutorial based on the types of problems students answered correctly and incorrectly on the previous assessment. Therefore, the learning modules are available only after students have taken ALEKS the first time (e.g. the first unproctored ALEKS practice test). Once a student begins a Knowledge and Prep Learning Module they will have access to it for six months. As students answer questions they will see their MyPie fill up, and ALEKS may reassess them from time to time to ensure they have retained the topic information.

What do I need to do before taking the proctored ALEKs Test? How does remote proctoring work?

Before you can begin the proctored ALEKS Math Placement Test you must: 

  • Complete your two unproctored practice attempts and spend time reviewing the Prep and Learning Modules assigned based on your unproctored scores. 

  • Download the Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor. You can download the Respondus Lockdown Browser for ALEKS, check system requirements, and check your setup and installation at this Respondus Lockdown Browser and Monitor link

  • If you experience difficulties you can contact ALEKs Customer Support.

Students will take their proctored ALEKS attempt using the Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor. This will block access to other websites and software and use remote proctoring software in which a webcam scan of the testing area, and recording of all activity during the exam is required. When you are ready to take your proctored test you should:

  • Find a private quiet space, free from noise and distractions to take the test.
  • Have a valid ID showing your name and photo available. You will need to show the ID at the start of the test on video.
  • Have pens/pencils and a few pieces of blank scratch paper. No other materials should be near you or within reach. 
  • Remember: You may not leave the room for breaks during the exam. You may not use your own calculator. Please see the "Guidelines for the Proctored ALEKS Test" section above for more detail.

You will be remotely proctored using Respondus Monitor, an automated remote proctoring vendor. Respondus Monitor will walk students through the check in procedures and monitor students throughout their assessment session through audio and video. A human staff member reviews most assessment session recordings after the assessment is taken. 

A student whose proctored score is determined to be unreliable after review may not use that score to place into fall classes, the student may be required to retake the assessment in person in a proctored setting during the first week of classes.

Students who experience technical difficulties or other circumstances that make it impossible for them to take the online proctored test should contact [email protected].

What should I do if I may require accommodations for the ALEKS test?

If you require disability-related accommodations for the ALEKS assessment, you will need to register with GW’s Disability Support Services by submitting their online application. Note, the DSS registration process can take 1-2 weeks. If you have further questions on how to register for accommodations, please contact [email protected] or 202-994-8250.

Once you are registered and approved for accommodations with DSS, you will then need to submit your Letters to Professors to ([email protected]), to ensure your accommodations are in place for your exam. It will take approximately two business days to get your accommodations added within ALEKS. 

Students with questions about ALEKS should email [email protected].

Answers to frequently asked technical questions can be found on the ALEKS support site. Students who need further technical assistance with ALEKS may contact ALEKS support using the customer support form. If you have questions or concerns about your ALEKS placement and how this could affect your course schedule, contact your home school advisor. Columbian College students can find their advisor in the CCAS Undergraduate Advising Office. If students have additional questions specific to their math placement they may contact Professor Jay Daigle.

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