Undergraduate Student Academic Resources
Academic Advising
Current and prospective mathematics majors and minors are invited to schedule a meeting with the advisor by sending an email to [email protected] or directly to the advisor; please include a list of the times that you are available. Students are also welcome to visit during office hours, although setting up a separate time is better.
How to Declare a Major or Minor
- Schedule a meeting with a Mathematics Department advisor by sending an email to [email protected]. If you wish to speak with one advisor in particular, you can contact them directly to request a meeting. Please include a list of times when you are free to meet. While it is preferable to make an appointment so the advisor will be free of other obligations, you are welcome to just drop by during office hours.
- Bring a copy of the Declaration of Major/Minor Form for your home school (e.g., CCAS, SEAS, etc.) to your meeting for the advisor’s signature. CCAS students can use the Declaration of Major/Minor Form from the CCAS Undergraduate Advising Office.
- Once the advisor has signed off, follow the directions on the form for submitting the form through your school’s undergraduate advising office.
Transfer Credit
Are you trying to get transfer credit? To apply for transfer credit:
- Complete the transfer credit form for your school. Columbian College students can find the form on the Undergraduate Advising site.
- Go online or get a book from the school you want the transfer from and make a copy of the course description. A syllabus from the specific instructor teaching the course works as well.
- Combine the petition form and course description and either bring them to the Mathematics Department office or send them by email to [email protected]
- A committee will look at your request. You should receive an email response within a week.
Email your questions to [email protected]
- Departmental Honors
Students interested in earning special honors in mathematics must:
- Meet GW’s general special honors requirements.
- Graduate with a GPA of 3.5 in mathematics major classes.
- Complete the three-credit MATH 4995 course, usually in the senior year, along with the accompanying research project.
- Write a senior thesis paper and complete an oral defense.
- Past Senior Honors Projects
Paul Bianco, 2024
Spaces of Orders on MagmasTim Neumann, 2024
On m-general sets in AG(k, q) and PG(k, q)Brandon Koprowski, 2023
Enumeration of nondegenerate 2 × (k + 1) × k hypermatricesJohn Bennett, 2022
A Survey of Apportionment MethodsMehr Rai, 2021
A Random Card Shuffling ProcessDounia Lazreq, 2020
Hurwitz Actions on Reflection Factorizations in Complex Reflection Group G_6Elias Alstead, 2020
Pattern formation in interacting systemsMargaret C. Steiner, 2019
Characterizing 3-Break Genome RearrangementsZachary Peterson, 2018
Hurwitz Transitivity of Factorizations of Coxeter Elements of G4Shigeng Sun, 2017
Numerical Study of Periodic Migration in a Physical Model of One Dimentional Cell on Micro-pattern
Modeling the International Links Between Interbank Offered Rates Among Different Markets Through A Wavelet Analysis ApproachMariel Supina, 2016
Grover's Search Algorithm: Quantum Speed-UPJacob Learned, 2016
Quantum Neural NetworksThomas Riggs, 2016
Counting Cycles in Directed GraphsJacob Maibach, 2016
Uniform Matroids, Transversal Extensions, and Set System MobilityChangkai Sun, 2015
Blow up and scattering thresholds for the focusing nonlinear Schroedinger equationJiayuan Wang, 2014
A computational method for solving exponential-polynomial Diophantine equationsMilica Taskovic, 2014
Axiom of Choice across Mathematical Disciplines
This project was supported by CCAS Luther Rice Undergraduate Research Fellowship.James Clark, 2014
Complexity of Orders on Computable Groups
This project was presented at GW research Day on April1, 2014.Andrew Hirsch, 2013
Turing Categories
This project was presented at GW Research Day on April 2, 2013.Caprice Rayn Stanley, 2013,
Chromatic Symmetric Functions and Graph GluingWilliam C. Smith, 2012,
Categorical semantics of quantum protocols
This research project is supported by GW George Gamow Undergraduate Research FellowshipKatie Walsh, 2008,
Minesweeper matrices, rectangular diagrams, and the Alexander polynomia.Larisa Perolli, 2006
The Unimodality and Log-Concavity of the Independence Numbers of Certain Lattice Path Matroids.
This work appeared in: Sarah Baker and Larisa Perolli, Unimodality and Log-Concavity of the Independence and Whitney Numbers of Certain Lattice Path Matroids, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, 12:6, Spring 2007, 325-334, and won the 2007 Richard V. Andree Award for the best student-written paper.Sarah Baker, 2006
The Unimodality and Log-Concavity of the Whitney Numbers of Certain Lattice Path Matroids.
This work appeared in: Sarah Baker and Larisa Perolli, Unimodality and Log-Concavity of the Independence and Whitney Numbers of Certain Lattice Path Matroids, Pi Mu Epsilon Journal, 12:6, Spring 2007, 325-334, and won the 2007 Richard V. Andree Award for the best student-written paper.David Penneys, 2005,
A Survey of Hyperbolic Groups Acting on their Gromov Boundaries.Amy L. Nagahashi, 2001,
Billiard Links in the 3-Ball.Nirit Sandman, 2000,
An Exploration of a Type-B Tamari Poset. This work appeared in:
Nirit Sandman, A type-B Tamari poset, Discrete Applied Mathematics 143 (2004) 110–122.- D.C. Gamma Chapter of the Pi Mu Epsilon Honor Society
The D.C. Gamma Chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon is the George Washington University chapter of Pi Mu Epsilon, Inc. The chapter was first established in 1966. The group is open, by invitation, to accomplished mathematics majors.
Course Rotation Plan
View the Course Rotation Plan to see course offerings in Mathematics for the next several years. The internal planning document is used to help with the department’s long-term scheduling, but students may view it as they plan their courses of study.