Data MASTER seminar
Mathematics and Science of Complex Networks
Thu, 18 September, 2014
Speaker: Yongwu Rong (GWU)
Abstract: Complex networks arise naturally in many disciplines, from computer networks to interactions of biological cells, from air traffic design to social networks. Over the past decade, there has been a great deal of new interests in this field, largely due to the explosive amount of data on various networks. An urgent need now is to extract useful information to understand the structure of these networks.
This talk is a special lecture for Math 4981, Topics on Complex Networks. Part of the talk will be an overview of the topics, beginning with basic graph theory starting from Euler, to random graph theory due to Erdős and Rényi, followed by scale-free networks due to Barabasi. Time permitting, we will discuss our own work on biological networks and some of the computational issues.
This talk is a special lecture for Math 4981, Topics on Complex Networks. Part of the talk will be an overview of the topics, beginning with basic graph theory starting from Euler, to random graph theory due to Erdős and Rényi, followed by scale-free networks due to Barabasi. Time permitting, we will discuss our own work on biological networks and some of the computational issues.