Is the Solar system stable? — a historical topic revisited
Fri, 26 September, 2014
This event is co-sponsored by the GW Confucius Institute
Speaker: Cheng Chong-Qing, Nanjing University
Abstract: The system I am going to talk about is an idealized model: to study n mass points which move in 3 dimensional space according to Newton’s law. We assume further that n-1 of these fictions mass points havevery small masses compared to the remaining one, which plays the role of the sun. I shall introduce some ideas to study this problem and give a brief review on new progress in the field.
Short Bio: Dr. Cheng Chong-Qing received his Ph,D. from Northwestern Polytechnical University in China. Currently, he is the Cheunkong Professor of Mathematics of Nanjing University, where he also serves as the Vice-President of the University. His research interests are in the field of dynamical systems, in particular, of Hamiltonian dynamics. Dr. Cheng has received numerous research awards including the National Young Investigate Awards (1995), Qiu-Shi Prize (1997), the Morningside Medal (1998), Prize for Natural Science, Education Ministry (2000), the National Second Prize for Natural Sciences (2001), and he was invited to give a 45-minute talk at the 26-th International Congress of Mathematicians in Hyderbad, India (2010).