Graduate Student Seminar
Torsion of a finite quasigroup quandle is annihilated by its order
Mon, 3 November, 2014
Speaker: Seung Yeop Yang
Title: Torsion of a finite quasigroup quandle is annihilated by its order,
Abstract: Niebrzydowski and Przytycki proved that the torsion subgroup of $H_{n}^{Q}(T(\mathbb(Z)_{3}))$ is annihilated by $3$, for $n > 1$, and Nosaka generalized this result, p annihilates the torsion of $H_{n}^{Q}(T(\mathbb(Z)_{p}))$ when $p$ is odd. Our goal is to extend the result of Niebrzydowski, Nosaka, and Przytycki about the torsion subgroup of quandle homology groups of Takasaki quandles.