Special Colloquium
Speaker: Qing Han (Notre Dame)
Title: Isometric Embedding of 2-Dim Riemannian Manifolds in Euclidean 3-Space
Abstract: It is a classical problem to study whether any 2-dimensional Riemannian manifolds admit isometric embedding in the 3-dimensional Euclidean space. There are two versions of this problem, the local
version and the global version. The local version was presented by Schlaefli in 1973 and is still open. In this talk, we review both versions of the problem and present some recent results.
Bio: Professor Han got his PhD from Courant Institute in 1993. After that, he was a Dickson Instructor at University of Chicago for a year. He became a faculty member of University of Notre Dame in 1994. He was also a visiting member of Courant Institute and Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics, Leipzig. He was recognized by a Sloan Foundation Research Fellowship in 1999.