Speaker: Taduri Srinivasa Siva Rama Krishnarao (Indian Statistical
Institute, Bangalore Centre, and University of Memphis)
Title: Proximinality for sums of closed subspaces
Abstract: In this talk we deal with the question of approximating minimizing sequences by sequence of proximinal vectors, for sums of closed subspaces. Motivated by some results of M. Feder and Pei-Kee Lin, we show that for a finite dimensional sub-space F and a strongly proximinal subspace Y of a Banach space X , F + Y is a strongly proximinal subspace of X . We also show the universality of the difficulty involved for sums of subspaces by showing that for any
infinite dimensional Banach space X there exists an infinite dimensional space Z containing an isometric copy of X as a strongly proximinal subspace and a strongly proximinal subspace W of Z such that the sum X +W is a closed, proximinal subspace of Z that is not strongly proximinal in Z .
Bio: Professor Taduri is currently Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Scholar at the Department of Mathematical scienced, University of Memphis. A senior professor from the Indian Statistical Institute, a Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, he is the current Head of the Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore centre.