General (Main) Seminar MSRI program on DDC-Diophantine stability and unsolvability

Fri, 25 September, 2020 4:00pm

Organizers: A. Shlapentokh and V. Harizanov

For link contact [email protected]

Friday, September 25, 12:00-1:00 on Zoom

Speaker:  Barry Mazur Harvard University

Title: Diophantine stability and unsolvability

Abstract: Following Karl Rubin’s lecture last week we will consider the “relative Diophantine notion”: a field extension L/K is Diophantine Stable for a variety V defined over K if V acquires no new rational points passing from K to L. I will discuss results, heuristics, conjectures related to Diophantine Stability, and especially: applications to Hilbert’s Tenth Problem. This consists of both joint work with Karl Rubin; and also a DDC workshop project with Karl Rubin and Sasha Shlapentokh.

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