Combinatorics and Algebra Seminar- Foolin' with Fullerenes

Mon, 27 February, 2023 4:00pm - 5:00pm

Title: Foolin' with Fullerenes

Speaker: Lowell Abrams, GWU
Date and time: Monday, February 27, 4–5 pm
Place: Rome 206

Abstract: A fullerene is an embedding of a cubic graph in the sphere such that all faces are either pentagonal or hexagonal. Dan Slilaty (Wright State University) and I are in the midst of classifying all fullerenes with order-3 rotational symmetry in terms of a concrete construction method involving planar nets. I will describe our work so far, and show how all remaining cases will be resolved by study of triangulations of the disk with certain specific restrictions on vertex degrees.

Room: Room 206

Open to everyone.

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