All Seminars & Colloquia
Speaker: Flavia Colonna from George Mason University
Friday, 10/12/2012, 7:45pm - 11:59pm
On the Logical Formalization of Single Photon Self-Interference
Areski Nailt-Abdallah, University of Western Ontario and INRIA Paris
Friday, 9/28/2012, 7:33pm - 11:59pm
Abstract: We consider the particle interference problem in quantum physics, and discuss a Curry-Howard isomorphism based logical analysis of this problem. This approach is applied to a photon traversing a Mach-Zehnder interferometer.
Keye Martin, Naval Research Laborator
Friday, 3/16/2012, 5:35pm - 11:59pm
Abstract: One goal of our current research is to define a new area called algebraic information theory. It began with the realization that many important classes of channels, both quantum and classical, possess the structure of a compact affine monoid. The idea is then to use this structure as the basis for new techniques in information theory.
Application of Compressive Sensing to Cognitive Radio and Digital Holography
Speaker: Sang (Peter) Chin, Cyber Space Technology Branch, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laborator
Wednesday, 3/7/2012, 4:30pm - 11:59pm
Abstract: One of the key aspects of cognitive radio is the concept of dynamic spectrum access, where a radio searches for a (temporarily) unused white space in order to transmit and receive its data. To enable such dynamic spectrum utilization, it is critical to detect the existence/absence of primary users, and furthermore understand the spectrum usage pattern of primary users.
An Introduction to Infinite-Dimensional Categorical Quantum Computing
Clarke Smith, GWU
Friday, 3/2/2012, 6:37pm - 11:59pm
Abstract: Category theory has proven promising in capturing the logic of quantum information processing at a fairly high level, in similar fashion to Boolean logic and classical computing. In particular, quantum state evolution and quantum teleportation have been able to be depicted by the category of finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces together with linear transformations. Since all categories behave identically by definition, we can then view quantum computation in a highly intuitive, diagrammatic language.
The magic behind quantum computing: Square Root of (-1)
Jerzy Kocik, Southern Illinois University
Sunday, 12/4/2011, 7:00pm - Thursday, 1/30/2014, 11:59pm
Abstract: The soothingly graspable formalism of Quantum Mechanics (comprising of quite elementary concepts of linear algebra) contrasts strongly with profound interpretational problems of this formalism. Hence, not to discourage a reader, most expositions quickly move to the formalism and technical description of quantum algorithms, leaving a mathematician not trained in physics somewhat perplexed. This gentler introduction to quantum computing honestly presents the strangeness of quantum nature of reality and is aimed to a non-physicist who ponders why quantum computers are possible.
Homology of a Small Category with Functor Coefficients and Barycentric Subdivision.
Speaker: Jing Wang (GWU)
Thursday, 12/1/2011, 6:00pm - 11:59pm
Abstract: We will introduce the definition of homology of a small category with functor coefficients and then compare two different homologies when we take the category of a simplical complex. We analyze the classical result that barycentric subdivision preserves homology and generalize it to the context of a small category with coefficients in a functor to R-modules.
Character Varieties of surfaces as completely integrable systems
Adam Sikoa, University at Buffalo.
Tuesday, 11/22/2011, 4:10pm - 11:59pm
Abstract: It is known that the trace functions of a maximal set of disjoint simple closed curves on a closed surface make its SU(2)-character variety into an (almost) completely integrable dynamical system. We prove an analogous statement for all rank 2 Lie groups. We will discuss the possible generalizations of this result to higher ranks and,
if time permits, its applications to quantization of character varieties.
Adiabatic quantum computing: equivalence with quantum computing
William de la Cruz, Center of Research and Advanced Studies of IPN, Mexico Cit
Thursday, 11/3/2011, 5:00pm - 11:59pm
Abstract: The adiabatic quantum computing (AQC) was originally introduced to solve optimization problems by constructing two Hamiltonian operators where the first one is easy to prepare and the second one codifies the solution of the considered problem. Van Dam et al. (2001) proved that AQC performs universal computing by showing that the adiabatic evolution can be simulated with quantum circuits of polynomial size. In this talk we review van Dam's construction in order to understand the complexity of AQC and its limitations
The Bonahon Metric and Topology
Speaker: Mark Kidwell (U.S. Naval Academy and GWU)
Wednesday, 10/26/2011, 10:06pm - 11:59pm
Abstract: In his book “Low-Dimensional Geometry: From Euclidean Spaces to Hyperbolic Knots”, Francis
Bonahon considers no structure more abstract than a metric space. He then needs to define a metric
on a quotient space, such as the torus obtained by identifying opposite sides of a rectangle. We explore
some quirky consequences of Bonahon’s definition of a (pseudo)-metric on a quotient space. We then
answer the question: does the topology defined by the Bohahon metric on a quotient space coincide
with the quotient topology?