All Seminars & Colloquia

Local and global existence in nonlinear Schrodinge qequation.

Analysis Seminar by Joe Jerome, Northwestern

Wednesday, 5/15/2013, 5:56pm - 11:59pm


Expotenntial bases and frameson 2-dimensional trapezoids.

Analysis Seminar by Anudeep Kumar (Grad stdent GWU)

Sunday, 4/28/2013, 5:57pm - 11:59pm


Analysis Seminar by Yen Do (Yale)

Thursday, 2/28/2013, 7:00pm - 11:59pm

Title: Quantitative convergence of Fourier series in weighted settings. Abstract: In this talk I will describe a recent joint result with Michael Lacey, where we obtain more quantitative information about convergence of Fourier series in weighted settings

Representations of Quantum Channels

Tanner Crowder, NRL/Howard U.

Wednesday, 2/20/2013, 5:00pm - 11:59pm

Abstract: Every qubit channel can be realized as an affine map on the unit ball; the map is called the Bloch representation of the qubit channel. This representation has proven extremely useful in calculating information theoretic quantities associated with the channel. We consider the Bloch representation for n-qubit systems and discuss the applications and challenges with the higher dimensional extension. We will conclude with some open problems in quantum information.

Quantum Computation and Quantum Simulation Experiments with Trapped Ions

Crystal Senko, Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland

Sunday, 12/9/2012, 7:00pm - 11:59pm

Abstract: The experimental implementation of a large-scale quantum computer remains a major outstanding challenge. Several physical systems have been demonstrated to have the excellent isolation from environmental noise and the precise external control needed to perform quantum computations, and some of the most advanced results have been achieved using trapped atomic ions. I will give an overview of how trapped ions are used for quantum information processing and briefly discuss the current state of trapped ion quantum computing experiments.

Signal processing with the Euler calculus

Michael Robinson, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, American University

Wednesday, 11/14/2012, 6:00pm - 11:59pm

Abstract: It happens that many of the transforms traditionally used in signal processing have natural analogs under the Euler integral, popularized by Baryshnikov and Ghrist. The properties of these transforms are sensitive to topological (as well as certain geometric) features in the sensor field and allow signal processing to be performed on structured, integer valued data, such as might be gathered from ad hoc networks of inexpensive sensors. For instance, the analog of the Fourier transform computes a measure of width of support for indicator functions.

Optimal regularity estimates for non linear continuity equations

Analysis Seminar by Pierre Emmanuel Jabin (UMD)

Saturday, 11/3/2012, 3:00am - Thursday, 1/30/2014, 11:59pm

Abstract: We prove compactness and hence existence for solutions to a class of non linear transport equations. The corresponding models combine the features of linear transport equations and scalar conservation laws. We introduce a new method which gives quantitative compactness estimates compatible with both frameworks.

Topological Mixing Tilings of $\mathbb{R}^2$ Generated by a Generalized Substitution

Speaker: Tyler White, Northern Virginia Community College

Friday, 10/26/2012, 7:45pm - 11:59pm

Abstract: Kenyon, in his 1996 paper, gave a class of examples of tilings of \mathbb{R}^2 constructed from generalized substitutions. These examples are topologically conjugate to self-similar tilings of the plane (with fractal boundaries). I have proven that an infinite sub-family of Kenyon's examples are topologically mixing. These are the first known examples of topologically mixing substitution tiling dynamical systems of \mathbb{R^2}.

SYMPOSIUM on Mathematics and Presidential Campaigns

Friday, 10/19/2012, 5:00pm - 11:59pm

Opening Remarks:  Leo  Chalupa, Vice President for Research.
Keynote Speaker: John Banzhaf, Law School, Inventor of the "Banzhaf Index of Voting Power"
Penelists: John Banzhaf, Law School, Inventor of the "Banzhaf Index of Voting Power"
                Danny Hayes, Assistant Professor of Political Science
                Edward Turner, Dept. of Mathematics

A Discrete Bernoulli Free Boundary Problem

Speaker: Maria Gauladani, GW

Friday, 10/19/2012, 4:00pm - 11:59pm

Abstract: We consider a new type of free boundary problem for the p-Laplace operator. This problem is strictly related to the well-known Bernoulli problem: in this new formulation, the classical boundary gradient condition is replaced by a condition on the distance between two different level surfaces of the solution. Under suitable scaling this new formulation converges to the classical Bernoulli problem. We establish existence and qualitative theory in convex and non-convex regions. This is a joint work with M.d.M Gonzalez and H. Shahgholian.