All Seminars & Colloquia

Topology Seminar

Introduction to twist spinning of knots; II

Tuesday, 2/25/2014, 6:00pm - 11:59pm

Speaker: Seung Yeop Yang (GWU)

Applied Math Seminar

A Liouville-type theorem for higher order elliptic systems

Friday, 2/21/2014, 9:00pm - 11:59pm

Speaker: Mingfeng Zhao, University of Connecticut.

Abstract: By using a Rellich-Pohozaev identity and an adapted Souplet's idea about the measure and feedback arguments, we prove that there are no positive solutions to higher order Lane-Emden system provided some conditions. Our result is a higher order analogue of Souplet's result for Lane-Emden system. This is a joint work with Frank Arthur and Xiaodong Yan.

Analysis Seminar

Topological Mixing Tilings of $\mathbb{R}^2$ Generated by a Generalized Substitution

Friday, 2/21/2014, 8:00pm - 11:59pm

Speaker: Tyler White, Northern Virginia Community College

Abstract: Kenyon, in his 1996 paper, gave a class of examples of tilings of \mathbb{R}^2 constructed from generalized substitutions. These examples are topologically conjugate to self-similar tilings of the plane (with fractal boundaries). I have proven that an infinite sub-family of Kenyon's examples are topologically mixing. These are the first known examples of topologically mixing substitution tiling dynamical systems of \mathbb{R^2}.

Colloquia joint with AMW Chapter of GWU

Stability of Soliton Solutions to the Korteweg-deVries Equation

Friday, 2/21/2014, 6:00pm - 11:59pm

Speaker:Sarah Raynor is an associate professor of Mathematics at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, NC
Abstract: In this talk, we introduce the Korteweg-deVries Equation, a canonical nonlinear differential equation modelling the behavior of surface water waves in a long, narrow, shallow canal. We study special solutions to this equation, known as solitons. We are particularly interested in the stability of these special solutions.

Logic Seminar February 20

Thursday, 2/20/2014, 9:00pm - 11:59pm

Logic Seminar February 20

Applied Mathematics Seminar

Models for “mixtures” ; multifluid flows

Thursday, 2/20/2014, 8:00pm - 11:59pm

The speaker in Thierry Goudon from INRIA, Sophia Antipolis Research Center (France)

An Introduction to twist spinning of knots

Tuesday, 2/18/2014, 6:00pm - 11:59pm

An Introduction to twist spinning of knots

Speaker: Seung Yeop Yang (GWU)

Speaker: Juncheng Wei

Geomterization Program of Semilinear Elliptic PDEs

Thursday, 2/13/2014, 7:20pm - 11:59pm

Abstract: Understanding the entire solutions of nonlinear elliptic equations

Logic Seminar

Thursday, 1/30/2014, 9:00pm - 11:59pm

Logic Seminar

The theory of fields is complete for isomorphisms

The theory of fields is complete for isomorphisms

Friday, 1/24/2014, 9:00pm - 11:59pm

Abstract: We give a highly effective coding of countable graphs into countable fields.  For each countable graph G, we build a countable field F(G), uniformly effectively from an arbitrary presentation of G.  There is a uniform effective method of recovering the graph G from the field F(G).  Moreover, each isomorphism g from G onto any G' may be turned into an isomorphism F(g) from F(G) onto F(G'), again by a uniform effective method so that F(g) is computable from g.