All Seminars & Colloquia
Thursday, 3/27/2014, 1:37pm - 11:59pm
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Decoupling DeGiorgi systems via multi-marginal mass transport
Monday, 3/24/2014, 8:00pm - 11:59pm
Abstract: We exhibit a surprising relationship between elliptic gradient systems of PDEs, multi-marginal Monge-Kantorovich optimal transport problem, and multivariable Hardy-Littlewood inequalities. We show that the notion of an "orientable" elliptic system, conjectured to imply that --at least in low dimensions-- solutions with certain monotonicity properties are essentially $1$-dimensional, is equivalent to the definition of a "compatible" cost function, known to imply uniqueness and structural results for optimal measures to certain Monge-Kantorovich problems.
Genome rearrangements: when intuition fails
Monday, 3/24/2014, 3:10pm - 11:59pm
Speaker: Max Alekseyev, George Washington Univ.
Title: Genome rearrangements: when intuition fails
(* The JUMP seminar is part of the Joint Undergraduate Mathematics & Physics (JUMP) Scholarship program. See more info at
Norm and essential norms of weighted composition operators acting on reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces of analytic functions
Friday, 3/21/2014, 7:00pm - 11:59pm
Speaker: Flavia Colonna, George Mason University
Speaker: Changfeng Gui
Friday, 3/21/2014, 5:00pm - 11:59pm
Affiliation: University of Connecticut and NSF
Title: Diffusions, Fractional Laplacians and Traveling Waves
Friday, 3/21/2014, 1:00pm - 11:59pm
Join us for the Logic Seminar on March 21st in the Math Department.
Traces, cross ratios and two generator subgroups of SU(3,1)
Wednesday, 3/19/2014, 9:30pm - 11:59pm
Speaker: Krishnendu Gondgopadhyay ( IISER Mohali. India)
In this talk, I shall discuss how traces and cross ratios of isometries of the complex hyperbolic 3-space
may be used to obtain a classification of "generic" representations of the free group F_2=<x, y> into the isometry group SU(3,1).
Wednesday, 3/19/2014, 9:30pm - 11:59pm
Title: Traces, cross ratios and two generator subgroups of SU(3,1)
Speaker: Krishnendu Gondgopadhyay ( IISER Mohali. India)
Time:Wednesday March 19, 2014,
Place: Seminar room 267
Nonlocal calculus, nonlocal balance laws and asymptotically compatible discretizations
Wednesday, 3/19/2014, 8:00pm - 11:59pm
Speaker: Qiang Du, Penn State University
Abstract: Nonlocality is ubiquitous in nature. While partial differential
equations (PDE) have been used as effective models of many physical
processes, nonlocal models and nonlocal balanced laws are also attracting
more and more attentions as possible alternatives to treat anomalous
process and singular behavior. In this talk, we exploit the use of a
recently developed nonlocal vector calculus to study a class of constrained
value problems on bounded domains associated with some nonlocal