All Seminars & Colloquia

Applied Math Seminar

Friday, 2/20/2015, 7:30pm - 11:59pm

Speaker: Francesco Maggi,
University of Texas, Austin

Title: Formulations of Plateau problem and the existence of minimizers

Abstract: We review various mathematical formulations of the Plateau-Lagrange problem and present a measure-theoretic approach to compactness of surfaces leading to various existence results.

Applied Math seminar

Parallelizable Block Iterative Methods for Stochastic Processes

Wednesday, 2/18/2015, 9:00pm - 11:59pm

Speaker: Aynur Bulut
University of Michigan

Title: Random data Cauchy problems for nonlinear Schr\”odinger and wave equations

Analysis Seminar

Wednesday, 2/18/2015, 8:00pm - 11:59pm

Title: Introduction to Gaussian Processes
Speaker: Robbie Robinson, George Washington University
Place: Monroe 267

Logic Seminar

Friday, 2/6/2015, 7:30pm - 11:59pm

Title: Complexity of relations and the arithmetical hierarchy

Speaker: Leah Marshall, George Washington University


Friday, 2/6/2015, 6:00pm - 11:59pm

Title: Planar graphs are 9/2-colorable and have independence ratio at least 3/13

Graduate Student Seminar

Friday, 1/23/2015, 8:30pm - 11:59pm

Date and Time: Friday, January 23, 3:30-5:00pm

Place: Monroe 115

Abstract: Prof. Robinson will talk about the academic and research items pertinent to graduate studies at GWU.

*All graduate students are required to attend, attendance is taken.


Joint Math 6720 and Logic Seminar

Thursday, 1/15/2015, 8:45pm - 11:59pm

Speaker: Professor Rumen Dimitrov, Western Illinois University

Title: Standard and Nonstandard Ways of Constructing Nonstandard Structures

In this talk we will start with some standard ways of obtaining nonstandard structures. We will then introduce the notion of cohesive power B of a computable structure A (see [1]) over a cohesive set R. We will prove certain connections between satisfaction of different formulas and sentences in the original model A and its cohesive power B.

Undergraduate seminar

Senior Honors Project Defense

Friday, 12/19/2014, 5:45pm - 11:59pm

Speaker: Jiayuan Wang
Title: A computational method for solving exponential-polynomial Diophantine equations
Date and Time: Friday, December 19, 12:45-1:45
Place: Monroe 267




Friday, 12/5/2014, 6:00pm - 11:59pm

Speaker: Archana Khurana (University of Baltimore)

Title: On multi-index fixed charge bi-criterion transportation problem

Quantum Computing Seminar

Thursday, 12/4/2014, 4:10pm - 11:59pm

Speaker: Jason Suagee (GWU)
Place: Monroe 115
Date and Time: Thursday, December 4, 11:10-12:25pm
Title: The Adiabatic Theorem in Quantum Mechanics and Geometric Phase

Abstract: After briefly discussing the general solution to the time independent Shrodinger wave equation, I will introduce the Adiabatic Theorem which is an underlying phenomenon in quantum mechanics involved in topological quantum computing. The Adiabatic theorem states that if we alter a Hamiltonian gradually from some initial form H^i to a final form