All Seminars & Colloquia

Graduate Student Seminar-Cohesive Powers of Structures

Tuesday, 2/8/2022, 6:00pm - 11:59pm

Date and Time: Tuesday, February 8, 1-2pm

Place: Zoom
Zoom link:…

Speaker:  Keshav Srinivasan, GWU

Title: Cohesive Powers of Structures

Applied Math Seminar- Imaging and inverse scattering using ROM estimates of internal waves

Friday, 2/4/2022, 8:15pm - 11:59pm

Date and and Time: Friday, Feb. 4, 3:15-4:15 pm

Place: Zoom

Zoom link:

passcode: 349324

Speaker: Jörn Zimmerling, Michigan University, James Van Loo Postdoctoral Fellow and Assistant Professor

Title: Imaging and inverse scattering using ROM estimates of internal waves

Combinatorics and Algebra Seminar-Noncommutative algebra from a geometric point of view

Friday, 2/4/2022, 8:00pm - 11:59pm

Date and time: Friday, February 4, 3-4pm

Place: Phillips 736

Speaker: Xingting Wang, Howard

Title: Noncommutative algebra from a geometric point of view

Applied Math Seminar-Galerkin Transformer

Friday, 1/28/2022, 8:15pm - 11:59pm

Date and Time: Friday, January 28th, 3:15-4:15 pm

The zoom link:

passcode: 349324

Speaker: Shuhao Cao, Washington University in St. Louis

Colloquium-Energetic Variational Approaches (EnVarA) for Active Materials and Reactive Fluids

Friday, 1/28/2022, 7:00pm - 11:59pm

Date and Time: Jan 28, 2022, 2-3pm;

Place: Zoom

Zoom link:…

Speaker: Chun Liu; Department of Applied Mathematics, Illinois Institute of Technology;

Title: Energetic Variational Approaches (EnVarA) for Active Materials and Reactive Fluids 

Graduate Student Seminar-Knot theory and parallelizable manifolds

Tuesday, 1/25/2022, 6:00pm - 11:59pm

Date and Time: Tuesday, January 25th, 1-2pm

Place: Zoom
Zoom link:…

Speaker:  Dionne Ibarra, GWU

Title: Knot theory and parallelizable manifolds

Applied Math Seminar-How Retroactivity Affects the Behavior of Incoherent Feed-Forward Loops

Friday, 1/21/2022, 8:15pm - 11:59pm

Date and Time: Friday, January 21st, 3:15-4:15 pm

Speaker: Junmin Wang, Boston University

Place: zoom

Zoom link:

Title: How Retroactivity Affects the Behavior of Incoherent Feed-Forward Loops

Applied Math Seminar: Learning Nonlocal Constitutive PDE Models with Vector-Cloud Neural Networks

Friday, 12/10/2021, 8:15pm - 11:59pm

Date and Time: Friday, December 10, 3:15-4:15 pm

Speaker: Jiequn Han, Flatiron Institute

Place: zoom

Zoom link:…

Title: Learning Nonlocal Constitutive PDE Models with Vector-Cloud Neural Networks

Graduate Student Seminar-Quantum symmetry and noncommutative algebra

Friday, 12/3/2021, 7:00pm - 11:59pm

Date and Time: Friday, December 3rd, 2-3pm
Place: Rome 206
Speaker: Robert Won GWU

Title: Quantum symmetry and noncommutative algebra

Abstract: Classically, symmetries are captured by group actions. The study of symmetries of commutative polynomial rings has a long and beautiful history. However, noncommutative algebras generally admit few group actions. In order to study the symmetries of noncommutative algebras, a more general context is needed. In this talk, we will discuss what quantum symmetry means to a noncommutative algebraist. 

Graduate Student Seminar-Physics Informed Neural Networks(PINNs) for Allen-Cahn-Ohta-Kawasaki(ACOK) Equation

Friday, 11/19/2021, 7:00pm - 11:59pm

Date and Time: Friday, November 19th, 2-3pm
Place: Rome 206
Speaker: Jingjing Xu GWU

Title and Abstract: Emailed Attachement