All Seminars & Colloquia
Combinatorics and Algebra: Research directions on Hopf algebras
Monday, 2/6/2023, 9:00pm - 11:59pm
Title: Research directions on Hopf algebras
Speaker: Van Nguyen, USNA
Date and time: Monday, February 6, 4–5 pm
Place: Rome 206
Abstract: This talk is a friendly introduction to Hopf algebras, a large class of (noncommutative) algebras that are widely studied and arise in many areas of mathematics. We will discuss some recent developments and research directions on Hopf algebras. Necessary background will be explained. Advanced undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to attend and to explore this field of mathematics.
Friday, 2/3/2023, 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Graduate Student Seminar-The Syntactic Characterization of Computability Theoretic Properties.
Wednesday, 2/1/2023, 4:00pm - 5:00pm
Monday, 1/30/2023, 9:00pm - 11:59pm
Title: Quantum informatics meets bioinformatics: combinatorial enumeration of special breakpoints graphs with application to calculating entanglement
Speaker: Max Alekseyev, GWU
Date and time: Monday, January 30, 4–5 pm
Place: Rome 206
Applied Math Seminar-Applications of Persistent Spectral Graph in COVID-19
Friday, 12/9/2022, 8:30pm - 11:59pm
Time: Friday, Dec. 9th. 3:30-4:30 pm
Place: Zoom
Zoom link:
Speaker: Rui Wang, Michigan State University
Friday, 12/9/2022, 8:00pm - 11:59pm
Phillips Hall B152 starting at 3pm on Friday Dec 9th lasting to Dec 11th.
Plenary speakers include: Mikhail Khovanov(2 talks), Valentina Harizanov, Mee Seong Im, Thomas M Koberda, Slava Krushkal.
The schedule can be found on the website:
Logic Seminar-Power and Limitations of Second-Order Logic
Thursday, 12/8/2022, 4:00pm - 11:59pm
Time: Thursday, December 8, 11:00 am--12:00 noon
Place: Smith 120
Speaker: Keshav Srinivasan, GWU
Title: Power and Limitations of Second-Order Logic
Topology Seminar-Quantum Entanglement: Physics, Philosophy, and a Foray into Knot Theory
Tuesday, 12/6/2022, 9:45pm - 11:59pm
Speaker: Keshav Srinivasan (GWU)
Time: December 6 (Tuesday), 2022; 4:45pm-6:00
Room: TOMP 302
Title: Quantum Entanglement: Physics, Philosophy, and a Foray into Knot Theory
Combinatorics and Algebra-Hurwitz numbers for reflection groups
Friday, 12/2/2022, 9:00pm - 11:59pm
Title: Hurwitz numbers for reflection groups
Speaker: Joel Lewis, GWU
Date and time: Friday, December 2, 4–5 pm
Place: Rome 204